Hello, from Mr Fehr

Welcome! If you've come here, that means you either want to know more about me, or clicked the wrong button. If you're still reading, then it's the first one. What fun!

I've been a closet story teller since I began to learn how to write. I was always fascinated by travel and exploration, even thought I myself was fairly stationary. While going through some old boxes of papers that have followed me from house to house, I found some old writing assignments from elementary school. I had, at age 8, written a short story about traveling to faraway lands in a flying bubble. It blew my mind when I came across it, because I remember very little about my youth, and I had no idea that I had started so young.

The story was pretty bad mind you, but hey, I was 8, you really can't expect that much from me then.

I always loved science fiction growing up, I watched Star Trek, Stargate, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Andromeda, and a few other assorted others who's names escape me. This filled my mind with all kinds of ideas of what could be, and what might be, just beyond our reach. When the sky was clear on a dark night, I would love to go out and look at the stars, to feel a connection with those distant points of light.

I was no slouch when it came to Fantasy either. I had one particularly fascinating elementary school teacher who let us do Lord of the Rings as our reading assignment. I actually got a boxset copy of those books as I was just becoming a teenager. They still come around with me as I move to new places. I loved the story, and the world that Tolkien created. I, honestly, rather enjoyed how slow it was in comparison to some other books. It was a living world, and one doesn't need everything to be flashy all the time for it to be alive or interesting. Sometimes the moments found in the stillness are worth more than the constant excitement.

I also discovered Terry Pratchett and Douglass Adams around this time, one on my own while browsing the school library, and another at the suggestion of a friend. I loved their more light hearted takes to their worlds, which could still have high stakes to those within the story. Sam Vimes is a power house of a character, and I will not be convinced otherwise.

This is, an admittedly heavily summarized version of a very long story. If you really want, I can probably be convinced to go longer, but it should suffice for now, I have always had my head in the clouds, and have loved a good story. Which brings us to the why of the website.

I have been writing for a number of years. I have had admittedly mixed commercial success, and honestly a bunch of that can be boiled down to one of the three things. The first is, life has thrown me some staggering curve balls, enough to bring me to my knees for a time. Its hard to sail when there's no wind in your sails, and in the entertainment world, if you don't have momentum, you get forgotten.

The second is, I have never jived with the idea of writing or entertaining for the sake of making money alone. Now, don't take that as a 'oh everyone else is a sell out' statement, heaven forbid. I want to make money. That's why you'll see my tip jar buttons everywhere. If I can make enough to live off of and do this full time, well that would be simply swell. I would gladly sell a script to a movie studio if it came down to it. Buuuuutttt, with that said, I don't want that to be the reason I do what I do. If it makes money, great, love it, but if not, I'll be okay. I want to give to people something. I want to give escape, inspiration, and entertainment, not necessarily all at once or in that order, but certainly those things. If I give something of value, then I hope that I will in turn come to be valued. It's just a question of where my priorities are. I feel I'm at my best when it comes to this when I'm not thinking about how I can make money off of it.

In truth, I could be looking at it the wrong way, but we need people willing to take chances on what they believe. If I'm wrong, I'll find out.

Third thing, and it actually buts heads with the second, is to do stories, books, audio dramas, movies, or what have you, in a correct and good manner is really really expensive. To get a book in publishable condition can set you back about 500-2000 dollars per book depending on cover cost and editing cost, not including formatting or marketing. That's not an easy thing for me, heck it's probably not easy for most people.

Frankly I'm making this website so you can see what I'm making, more or less in real time, in its raw form, and let you, the people, decide what is worth getting the extra polish on. I have a sort of grand plan for what I hope this turns into, but for now, it's just a platform to showcase my work and let it all come out in the wash. If I get tips for a project, I'll know that people want to see more of that, or see that item get the polish it needs, the fancy cover, the in-depth edit, the whatever it needs.

The way I see it, its better to put something out there, rather than just sit on it and wait for it all to be perfect.

Which is a perfect place to add a disclaimer, if you are expecting perfect grammar and punctuation, you will be disappointed. I'm trying my best, but my best ain't perfect, and I'm not about to drop 2k on an editor for a book that I'm not sure anyone is even reading. You want it perfect? Read it! Tell me about it! Let me know you care, and I'll get it done.

I want you to be part of the process. I want to help build a community. Not just me, but other story tellers too. Other people with visions and tales to share, who just want to share. This website, is only the first step. Time will tell if I get to make the next step after.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and sticking with me this far. Why don't you go check out some of my stories now?

Go on, git.

My mission

I aim to provide escape, inspiration, and entertainment to anyone who enjoys my work. I aim to be accessible regardless of monetary situation.

My vision

I strive for a new vision of story telling, of less focus on blockbusters, and more of a community of stories. We like what we like, and feel connection when we find someone who also likes its. I want to foster and encourage that on a more community focused scale.